It is a space out of time,
creator of disorder, freedom and insolent,
where the visitors are invited to get lost.

NEMO Space
It is a space out of time,
creator of disorder, freedom and insolent,
where the visitors are invited to get lost.
Synth sound work, li donglu / zhao jialei, 5'44", 2021

'Nemo Space', Exhibition view, Ensad,Paris, Installations, variable dimensions, 2021

By transforming ordinary objects and vestiges, this project is aimed to build a surreal space. All the objects escaped from their original functions and take on new forms of existence to create a space outside of time, a non-place where there is a temporal decalage between the perceived time and the reality. The truths turned to subtle clues to observe and speculate on.
The shoes in the video are transformed into pendulum, old trousers have become a garment sculpture, the screws turned into rings. The dissolved wax clock also symbolises the distortion of time in this space. Recycled clothes are archived and preserved by sculptural moulding, traces of past time and ephemeral folds are frozen and sealed, giving birth to "time carriers”, sketching out a social community portrait. The virtual objects in the video perpetuates its existence beyond that of the real. The sounds and videos that inhabit this place are consistently flowed in slow motion. This imperceptible shift constantly creates a living spatial dimension where the perception temporal is slowing down, time is fading away like a human body.

Derived, video-installation,
32 x 60 cm, 2021
This project started from an observation about consumerism in the fashion industry:
annual production is substantially above consumption.
This status quo has catalyzed a poetic resistance to the acceleration of commercialization, questioning the value system in a consumer society and to deviate from the functional norms of daily conventions.
As Bergson points out the difference between duration and time. Time is used for observation, it can be measured instantly, it is objective; duration is individual perception, duration is the 'real', subjective time. The project of Nemo Space is also aimed to explore subjective experience of time.
Skin memories,
latex, 62x97x4 cm, 2020

Nemo, silicone, pigment, talcum powder, variable dimensions, 2021
Whether conscious or unconscious, every daily action is a form of sculpture. Each gesture leaves its print, even a breath alters the environment. Body memories linger on the objects they touch. I employ a sculptural approach to preserve these traces and seal the memories of 'skins'.
Qu'elle soit consciente ou inconsciente, chaque action quotidienne est une forme de sculpture. Chaque geste laisse des empreintes, même une respiration modifie l’environnement. Les souvenirs corporels perdurent sur les objets qu'ils touchent. J'utilise la manière sculptural pour préserver les traces et sceller les souvenirs des ‘peaux'.

'Nemo Space', Exhibition view, Ensad,Paris, 2021

Dysfunction Labo praises the useless, the random, the unconscious, ambiguity, and the hidden and imperceptible potentials in the ordinary. It seeks to erase as much as possible the scale of experience and memory in order to engage: to abandon the perception of rules and conventions of objects, and to reinterpret everyday things with a new function or meaning. By creating new situations, these interventions aim to catalyze a poetry of dysfunction.
Stainless steel, variable dimensions, 2021.
Dysfunction Labo fait l'éloge de l'inutile, de l'aléatoire, de l'inconscient, de l'ambiguïté, des potentialités cachées et imperceptibles dans l’ordinaire. Effacer autant que possible l'échelle de l'expérience et de la mémoire afin de s'engager : abandonner la vision des règles et des conventions des objets, interpréter les choses quotidiennes avec une nouvelle fonction ou un nouveau sens. En créant de nouvelles situations, ces interventions visent à catalyser une poésie du dysfonctionnement.
Acier inoxydable, dimensions variables, 2021.